
Tuesday, February 2, 2021


When our kids were little and just starting school, my husband said, "The months and years will fly by now." Mercy. He was right. Time is flying. I feel like I always say this, but I can't believe it is February already.

We went into 2021 hopeful that life would return to "normal" and things would be good. But for so many, that hasn't been the case. January was just as crazy and hectic as the past year was.

January certainly brought changes for our family. Our son moved out into his own home, the home he will share with his soon to be wife after their spring wedding. Our daughter, her husband, and their baby moved. Thankfully (oh mercy am I thankful!) both my son and my daughter and her family moved very close to us. My husband and I left the church we have been serving in for the past eight years. While it was a hard transition, it was one that we knew was from God. So January was quite the busy month but I worked to keep up on my goals. Here is my progress:

January goals:

♦ Faith: Each morning I did my daily Bible reading and my Write the Word journal. Each night I did my daily devotional. These daily habits are so important to me! I have also been working on Chrystal Evans Hurst's 28 day prayer challenge. I haven't kept up on the study material, but I have been trying to have more intentional prayer time each day. 
♦ Marriage: My husband and I have enjoyed some wonderful dinner dates. We also made plans for a weekend away in February.
♦ Family: We did not make any progress or plans toward a family scavenger hunt we want to do, but hope to do this soon. We did have a some great family time together though.
♦ Home: I haven't painted the house as I hoped, but it will happen soon!
♦ Ministry: I have been doing some busy and fun behind the scenes work on a special project that I get to share with you next week! I cannot wait!
♦ Health: I have been intentional with taking my vitamins every day and drinking around 60 ounces of water each day, my target is 80 ounces so I've fallen short some days but progress is good! On days we had nice weather, I went for a walk with my grandbaby.
♦ Piano: I haven't started this year due to the busy month, but I did figure out the plan I want to use for relearning the piano. I hope to start later in February or in March.

You can see I didn't make huge strides in some areas, but I am so happy for little steps of progress!

February will be another busy month (when isn't it busy really?!) as I finish up a project I've been working on and help my son and future daughter-in-law with any final wedding plans. Here is a look at my February goals:

February goals:
♦ Faith: I will continue with my daily quiet time of Bible reading and my Write the Word journal each morning and my daily devotional each night. I will finish up the prayer challenge with Chrystal Evans Hurst and I hope to start the  the Search the Word collection from the Daily Grace Co.
♦ Marriage: My husband and I are planning a weekend away at the end of the month and we are super excited!
♦ Family: We have a couple of fun days planned with our kids that we are looking forward to. One is to watch the big game this Sunday!
♦ Home: I hope to start painting soon. My husband really dislikes painting, so, it is a process to get started! 
♦ Ministry: I am excited to finish up some behind the scenes work and share what I've been working on with you next week!
♦ Health: I am going to try to do better with water, I really want to hit at least 80 ounces a day. I also want to work on cutting down on my sugar intake.
♦ Piano: I am hoping to move to the next step in my plan for relearning the piano.

There you have it! Those are my goals and action steps for this month. What are you working on this month?

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