
Tuesday, March 2, 2021


This year is sure moving along! February brought record low temps, snow, and ice. Here in the Midwest we had about two weeks of frigid cold and snow. Right before that happened, my husband commented how we had such a mild winter. Then BAM! Since my husband works outside, he was home those two weeks. I love him being home so very much, but it always throws my own regular schedule off a little. We enjoyed lazy days snuggled in warm blankets watching old tv shows. I loved every minute.

Here is how February went with my goals.

February goals:

♦ Faith: Each morning I continued with my daily Bible reading plan and Write the Word journal and at night I did my daily devotional. I completed the 28 day prayer challenge with Chrystal Evans Hurst. I still haven't started some Bible study materials, but that that's ok.
♦ Marriage: My husband planned a weekend away for just the two of us. It was amazing! We stayed Friday to Sunday in a beautiful hotel, painted pottery, tried new restaurants, road the street car, walked, talked, prayed, laughed, it was wonderful
♦ Family: At the end of our weekend away, my kids planned a picnic for all of us. It was so much fun. We had to cut it a little short because the wind was so bad and it made it too chilly for the baby. But it was so nice to be with all of my kids. I still haven't started by 2020 family photo book or finished my 2019 family photo book. I love the outcome, but it takes so much work.
♦ Home: I have been wanting to paint the dining room and living room. We finally went to do it and the paint we had went bad. So, we still haven't done it.
♦ Ministry: Did you hear!? I have a brand new devotional for moms coming out later this month! So I have been very busy working on getting everything ready for launch.
♦ Health: I haven't done any walking, remember those frigid temps! But I have done good with water most days and taking my vitamins everyday.
♦ Piano: I have my plan for re-learning the piano, I just haven't had a chance to start.

As you can see, some of my February goals went great, some didn't move. But I am pleased with little by little progress and excited for March.

 March goals:
♦ Faith: I will continue with my daily Bible reading plan and Write the Word journal and at night I did my daily devotional.
♦ Marriage: My husband and I will go out a couple of times, we like to try different local restaurants. We are also hoping the freezing temps are over so we can head to the lake at the end of the month. We love lazy lake weekends together. 
♦ Family: I still need to work on 2019 and 2020 family photo books. My girls and I have a girls day planned for this weekend. And I am really hoping this month that we can do a family scavenger hunt or go paint pottery. It is just a matter of working everyone's schedules out. My son gets married this month so I still need to find a dress!
♦ Home: I am still hoping to paint soon. I also want to get back to adding to savings each week.
♦ Ministry: Joyful, Patient, Faithful launches NEXT WEEK!
♦ Health: I will continue to try to get 80 ounces of water in each day and take my vitamins each day. With the weather starting to turn nice, I am hoping to get out and walk at least three times a week.
♦ Piano: I do have my plan for re-learning the piano, but with the book coming out this month and my son getting married this month, I will probably wait to start until April.

Those are my goals and action steps for this month. For the most part, my goals stay the same each month, with little additions or tweaks here and there. But these are the things that are so important to me and I want to be sure to cultivate them each month. What are you working on this month?

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