
Thursday, April 1, 2021


March has flown right by us and April is lurking at our door. This has been a busy but wonderful month for our family! My devotional, Joyful, Patient, Faithful launched, my son married an amazing woman, and we started a new church.

March goals:

♦ Faith: continued with my daily Bible reading plan and Write the Word journal and at night I did my daily devotional.
♦ Marriage: My husband and I had a couple lunch dates. We also did our favorite thing, opened our camper for the year! We love going to the lake together. We get to spend quality time without tv and phones and distractions.
♦ Family: My son got married! I love that we added his wife to our family, she is truly a wonderful addition. One of the things I needed to do was get my dress for the wedding, and I obviously did. We had a girls day which ended with dinner with my mom.
♦ Home: My husband and I are working on building our savings. We didn't add as much as we hoped but we are making small progress which is great. I also did a dreaded chore, cleaned all the blinds. Not a regular dusting but scrubbed them and washed the curtains.
♦ Ministry: Joyful, Patient, Faithful launched! We had a wonderful launch and I am so grateful for your support! My husband and I accepted a new position at a new church.
♦ Health: I have been working on getting enough water each day as well as getting in my greens. I've done pretty well here. I haven't been walking like I want to though.
♦ Piano: I have a plan for piano, but with this month being so crazy I haven't been able to start yet.

That is how March went around here! Busy! Good progress in some areas. Not much in others.

Moving on to April! April is another busy month (arent't they all!?) I am working on a big project, establishing new ministries at church, and my daughter is having a big surgery next week. So April is full for sure. Here are my goals and plans for the next month.

April goals:

♦ Faith: I will continue with my daily Bible reading plan and Write the Word journal and at night I will do my daily devotional.
♦ Marriage: My husband and I are busy the next couple of weekends but will take time for lunch or dinner dates. Then when our weekends open back up for the second half of the month, we are planning some amazing weekends at the lake.
♦ Family: Our church is having a Good Friday service this week. Since three of our four kids (and their spouses) attend different churches, I am beyond excited to have all four of my kids planning to go to Good Friday service with us! My son-in-love and daughter-in-love have to work (boo) so we will greatly miss them, but I am thankful the others all get to come. We are hoping to do a family dinner and game night this month too.
♦ Home: We will continue to add to our savings. This is an important goal for us as we are trying to build a savings. I think we are finally ready to paint the house!
♦ Ministry: I am working on a new project that I am super excited about (I'll share more soon!) and I will keep up on the blog here and at Woman to Woman. As I mentioned above, my husband and I started a new position at a new church so we are working on policies, schedules, and all that good stuff.
♦ Health: I am committed to working on my health. I am going to try to go from 80 ounces of water a day to 100 ounces. I am taking greens every day. I added apple cider vinegar vitamins to my daily vitamin intake. And I am planning to start walking. I always plan to but haven't done it. Now is the time!
♦ Piano: Again, I have a plan! I don't know if I will start this month or not but I do have a plan.

There you have it! Those are my goals and action steps for this month. What are you working on this month?

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