Tuesday, January 4, 2022

ONE WORD 2021 & 2022

After failing at New Year's Resolutions for years, in 2011 I joined the One Word movement and chose just one word to focus on for the year. I have smaller goals and things I work toward, but one big word to really focus on and grow in. The first year, I didn't take it serious and don't even remember what my word was. The next year my word was intentional, then heart, pray, water, me, marriage, joy, progress, less, and rooted. All such great words!

I have never finished a year thinking that I have mastered my word. I never will. However, I finish each year knowing I made progress in that area. I learn things about my word and create habits that help me to grow and become a better version of myself.

In 2021 my One Word was ROOTED. I wanted to end the year rooted deeply into the Word of God. To work towards this, I continued with my daily Bible reading and prayer time, but I also worked on being more consistent with using my Write the Word journals daily, reading a Scripture verse and devotional before bed, and worked on some in-depth Bible studies. I have learned to start and finish my day with Jesus, as well as meet Him in pockets throughout the day. I haven't mastered this or "arrived" but I know my roots have grown deeper and deeper. For this, I am grateful.

That leads us to 2022! So what is my word for 2022?

My focus word for 2022 is PEACE!

The past couple of years have been difficult for me. There has been so much change in my life -some good, some indifferent, and some bad. There has also been so much loss. I have struggled with anxiety and depression for the first time in my life (this is something I will share more about in the coming months). I am ready for peace.

If you had asked me what peace was when my kids were little, or even just a year ago, I would have said peace was a quite and clean house with candles burning while I snuggle with a blanket and good book. I would also say peace was basking in the sun with sand between my toes while I listen to nothing but the waves crashing on the shore. Those both sound glorious right? However, today I wouldn't say this is peace.

After struggling with such a hard season, I know that peace has nothing to my location, the state of my home, or even the noise level. Instead, peace has to do with my heart. And the only way my heart will be at peace is by seeking true peace from the Lord.

Yes, snuggling in with a blanket and good book with a clean house and candle burning is wonderful and relaxing. Yes, lounging on the beach watching the waves race in and out is heavenly. Yes, swaying in a hammock as the birds quietly chirp around is incredible. However, the peace that comes from these things only lasts a moment. My soul yearns for true and lasting peace, peace from God.

How will I focus on peace in 2022? Simple. I will seek Jesus.

Continue to dig my roots in deep. I will continue with my daily Bible reading and prayer. I will continue to do my Write the Word journal each day. And I will continue to read a Scripture verse and devotion before bed. I want to continue to start and end my day with Jesus as well as meet Him in pockets throughout my day. If He is my true peace, I must be with Him.

Scripture memory. Each month I will choose a new Scripture verse about peace to memorize. For the entire month I will focus on that verse as I let it sink deep into my heart and mind.

Go to God. In those moments when fear, anxiety, and depression try to sneak in -and they do- I will work on not giving in and instead go to God.

Seek Him in creation. I love nature, I love God's creation. I can always feel God's presence when I am in nature. I started walking last year and love it, especially when I get to walk near the lake. The key is to make sure I am enjoying being in His presence and not trying to find peace from the world. This means I need to put my phone away and invite Him to be with me.

What is your One Word for 2022? Share in the comments!

Come back tomorrow! I am sharing my 2022 Powersheets goals!

Thank you to Michelle Rabon at Displaying Grace for my Word Girl!.

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