Wednesday, August 31, 2022


Create in me a clean heart, O God.
Renew a loyal spirit within me.
Psalm 51:10

Today I want to challenge you to pray a very dangerous, yet very necessary prayer. A prayer we should pray often.

A Dangerous Yet Necessary Prayer #prayer #repent #liveforGod

Pray and ask God to reveal to you any area in which you have become lackadaisical in your walk with Him. Ask Him to reveal where you have begun to compromise your Biblical beliefs to bend to the world. Ask Him to reveal any unrepented sin in your life. Invite God to do whatever it takes to make you wholly and completely His.

We often become lazy Christians, we just go through the motions or we let the world bog us down. Praying this prayer can help us to refocus and realign with our Heavenly Father.

Are you ready to pray a dangerous prayer?

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