Thursday, January 4, 2024


If you've been with me for a few years, you have likely heard some of my story. I even wrote a devotional sharing some of what I've been through. Nearly six years ago, my mother-in-law suddenly passed away. Four and a half years ago my grandfather faced a medical emergency and was on life support; he got better and was back home. A few months later, my uncle suddenly passed away. Four years ago, on Christmas morning, my grandfather passed away. Two years ago, one of my best friends lost her battle with cancer, and two weeks later, my grandmother passed away. Throughout all of this, my once very tight-knit family became distant and the relationships were rocky. Then in 2022, my grandson was born with a heart defect, one that wasn't caught until we almost lost him. He had open heart surgery at one month old.

That's a lot. It's heavy. It's hard. It will rock you to the core. I felt as though every time I was finally bouncing back from grief and depression, something else would come. Losing my grandparents who were my best friends, biggest cheerleaders, and strongest prayer warriors shook my world more than I ever thought possible. Watching my grandson lie there lifeless, hooked up to more monitors than I had ever seen, terrified me. Seeing my daughter hurting and scared, broke me.

Life has been good in so many areas and I feel so blessed. In other areas, I feel like I am barely surviving.

In early December, I was praying about my word for 2024 asking God if there was an area He wanted me to focus on. As I prayed, driving down the highway alone, a song came on the radio. The volume was low, I could barely hear it. Yet, when this song came on, it was as though the volume was high. It immediately caught my attention and that is when I knew my word.

One Word 2024

In 2014, Casting Crowns released a new album, Thrive. The title track became one of my favorites. Soon after, Mark Hall, Casting Crowns front man, wrote a book by the same name. I read the book and it ministered deeply to me. A few weeks ago when Thrive came on the radio, the line that struck me and sent shivers down my spine was:

We know we were made for so much more than ordinary lives
It's time for us to more than just survive
We were made to thrive

God didn't intend for me to barely survive. He gave me this life to thrive; to prosper, to flourish. If I am not thriving, I am not living as God created me to live.

I am ready to thrive.

Casting Crowns song, Thrive, is based on Jeremiah 17:7-8. This verses tells us that we are to be like a tree planted by the water, growing deep roots, and not having fear or worry. If I am going to thrive, I need to be in the Word, trust in God, worship Him, live out faith, and grow my roots deep in Him. I need to be rooted so deeply in Him, that when trials and struggles come, I can still trust Him. I can still thrive.

So how will I thrive? How will I grow in this area?

When I plan out my Powersheets goals, my faith is always one area I work on. And the last few years my word of the year has had to do with my faith. Why? Because we will never "arrive" in our Christian walk this side of heaven. There is always room to grow. There is always more to learn.

To thrive this year, I plan to:
• continue in my daily quiet time
• journal throughout my quiet time
• do a Write the Word journal daily
• memorize Scripture, I would like to memorize at least two new Scriptures each month
• read a devotional and Scripture passage before bed
• re-read Mark Hall's book Thrive
• read my devotional, 5-Minute Devotions for Worry -these are things God taught me through my darkest days
• on days grief strikes, allow myself to sit in that grief for a moment, but to not park there too long
• to put my faith into practice
• to live in hope

I was made for more than an ordinary life. I was made for more than just to survive. I was made to thrive.

What is your word for 2024?

I'll be back tomorrow with my Powersheets goals for 2024, join me!

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