
Wednesday, June 5, 2024


 If you are married, you know that a marriage is full of peaks and valleys. Some seasons are full of good times and deep love. Other seasons it's downright a struggle. Whether your marriage is on the highest peak or the lowest valley, one thing we all have in common is that we can choose to grow in our marriage.

Today I want to share six areas of marital growth that you cannot afford to look past.

Pray harder over your marriage and for your husband.

Are you a praying wife? Pray harder. Is prayer for your husband and marriage something you haven't really done? Start. Intentionally pray daily for your husband and your marriage. I don't mean prayers of "Help him to not be so selfish," or "Make my husband romantic," or "Show him that he needs to help with the kids and house more." No. I mean prayers that God would help him to have a sound mind, prayers for his health, prayers over his relationships, prayers that he would desire to be a Godly man, those kind of prayers. You are the only one who can pray for your husband in this way and you are likely the only one praying over him. Your prayers are vital.

To continue reading, please join me at Woman to Woman Ministries. Click HERE.

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