
Wednesday, June 12, 2024

 Is prayer your first priority or last resort?

When times of crisis come, is prayer your first priority or last resort?
When times of anxiousness or sadness come, is prayer your first priority or last resort?
When times of famine come, is prayer your first priority or last resort?
When times of plenty come, is prayer your first priority or last resort?
When times of joy come, is prayer your first priority or last resort?

It can be easy in the hard times to default to worry, doubt, and fear; it can be easy to run to others for comfort, advice, or a shoulder to cry on; then sometimes we even turn inward, shutting the world out. Yet, in these times, we should make prayer our first priority. Always turning to God first.

Becoming a woman of prayer

It can be easy in the good times to celebrate or feel pride; it can also be easy to run to others to share our accomplishments or seek a pat on the back. Yet, like in the hard times, we should prayer our first priority. Always giving thanks and praise to God first.

To continue reading, please join me at Woman to Woman Ministries. Click HERE.

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