Monday, June 24, 2024


But the Lord is faithful; He will strengthen
you and guard you from the evil one.
2 Thessalonians 3:3 CSB

Our enemy has evil plans for us. Every day he schemes against us to bring us harm, to make us fail, and to make us walk away from God. Thankfully, the Lord is faithful. He gives us strength and guards us from our enemy. That alone is reason to give praise and honor to God!

What is something you are thanking God for today?

Weekly Blessings {2/26/24}  #eucharisteo #thanksgiving #thankfulness #joydare #gratitude #blessings #

Continuing to count God's sweet blessings...

3690. Time away with my husband at the lake.

3691. Air conditioning, it is HOT in the Midwest right now!

3692. Sunday lunch with friends.

3693. Sunday evening walk with my husband and daughter.

3694. My grandson and I seeing a fox on a morning walk.

It's your turn! Share something you are praising God for. I would love to rejoice with you.

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