
Wednesday, July 3, 2024


 Then you will know the truth,
and the truth will set you free.
John 8:32

Worry, doubt, fear, anxiety, and depression, are all feelings. Very real feelings. Feelings that sometimes consume your life. Feelings that sometimes control you. Yet, they are still just feelings.

Several years ago, I was helping someone move. As I carried a rather large box, someone came up to me and said they would take the box and I could go get something smaller. The box wasn’t heavy, only awkward due to the size and shape. Worry set in and made me think that they were putting me down. That they thought I wasn’t capable. I spent years with this running in the back of my mind, that the person thought I wasn’t enough. Now that I know the person quite well, I know they were just trying to be helpful. They didn’t mean to offend, they meant to help.

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