Wednesday, August 28, 2024


Recently I was accused of proselyting -trying to take members from another church to come to my church. When I first heard the accusation, I was angry. My accuser knows me better than that. Besides, the people I was accused of "stealing" don't even come to my church.

I spent a couple of days stewing over the situation when God spoke to me. He reminded me that I was just the victim of misplaced hurt. So instead of letting this gossip bother me, I began to pray for my accuser.

While it isn't right to take members from one church to attend your church, we should be inviting people to church!

We are all on social media. Chances are, you check your Facebook and Instagram accounts a couple times each day. Think of all the friends you have on these platforms. More than likely, you have dozens of friends who claim to be Christian, yet don't attend church anywhere. Also highly likely, you have dozens of friends who are not Christian and haven't been to church in years, if ever. 

To continue reading, please join me at Woman to Woman Ministries. Click HERE.

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