
Monday, August 26, 2024


We know that all things work together
for the good of those who love God,
who are called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28

Have you ever had something not work out how you planned or wanted it to? That recently happened to me. I saw how things were going to go in my head. Everything was going to be perfect. Yet, when it came down to it, it didn't go at all like I hoped or planned. However, how it worked out ended up being so much better in the long run.

God doesn't go off our plans. He doesn't go off our timing. His ways are higher. His thoughts are higher. Even though things don't always work out as we plan, we can trust that things will work out as He planned. Things will work out so that God gets the glory. For that, we can be thankful!

What is something you are thanking God for today?

Weekly Blessings {2/26/24}  #eucharisteo #thanksgiving #thankfulness #joydare #gratitude #blessings #

Continuing to count God's sweet blessings...

My Papa. Today is his birthday but he is celebrating in heaven. I miss him every single moment.

3726. My incredible husband! Today we celebrate 27 years of marriage, and 28 years together. God greatly blessed me with this man and I am so thankful.

3727. A laid back Saturday with my husband.

3728. My husband taking care of the dogs while I slept in.

3729. Waking up to a breakfast of heart shaped eggs.

It's your turn! Share something you are praising God for. I would love to rejoice with you.

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