Thursday, September 12, 2024


Ten years ago PureFlix and David A.R. White brought us God's Not Dead. In the years following we had God's Not Dead 2, God's Not Dead: A Light in the Darkness, and God's Not Dead: We the People. All powerful movies. Movies that inspired us and helped believers to boldly stand up.

Now, they bring us God's Not Dead: In God We Trust. With perfect timing, the election for United States President less than two months away, everyone needs to see this movie. In fact, it's more than just another movie; it's a movement.

Pastor Dave, played by David A.R. White throughout the God's Not Dead series, approaches politics with moral courage, loves his country, stands up to corruption, and represents the principles that made America great and continue to make America great. Pastor Dave steps up to run for Congress after an incumbent's sudden death. Battling against Peter Kane, who aims to erase religion from policy, Dave's fight becomes a beacon of hope and optimism for people seeking moral leadership in a divided world.

Like the entire franchise, this movie is powerful. A must see for everyone, especially believers. We need to learn to be bold and stand up for God, our Christian rights, and this country.

God's Not Dead: In God We Trust is in theaters TODAY! Make plans now to head to your local theater and see this incredible and impactful movie. To find movie times near you, click HERE.

To enter to win a $10 Amazon gift card, leave your name and email address in the comments and tell me your favorite God's Not Dead movie. Winner will be chosen at random and emailed from on September 18th.

Many thanks to Pinnacle Peak Pictures for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own.


  1. Thanks for your review! My favorite GND movie is the original.

  2. I have not seen any of the God's Not Dead movies, but I seriously need to check them out! I'm sure all of them are really good, but there's probably nothing like the original, so I definitely plan to see that one first.

  3. I have not watched any yet, but they are in my saved section to watch.

  4. I really like the first movie.


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