
Wednesday, September 11, 2024


 Now he told them a parable on the
need for them to pray always and not give up.
Luke 18:1 CSB

Have you ever heard the acronym P.U.S.H.? It means:

It's a call to continue praying until you receive your answer.

Often we pray for something -whether a need for ourselves, a lost loved one to come to Christ, or the needs of others- and we don't see God's answer right away so we grow weary of praying. We just give up. We stop calling on Jesus. We stop bringing our needs and loved ones to Him.

Can you imagine a lost loved one on the brink of finding God and you stopped praying for them? Could you imagine a healing that needed to take place and you gave up praying? Could you imagine the addict on the verge on breakthrough yet you decided your prayers weren't being heard and you just quit?

To continue reading, please join me at Woman to Woman Ministries. Click HERE.

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