Friday, October 18, 2024


Two are better than one because they
have a good reward for their efforts.
For if either falls, his companion can
lift him up; but pity the one who falls
without another to lift him up.
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 CSB

We were never meant to do this life alone. If you've been with me long, you've heard me say it over and over. But it's true. We need one another to lift each other up and walk through life together.

We also need to teach this lesson to our kids. Jennifer Wilson helps us do that with her new book, The Best Trophy. This book is the story of Liam and his friends. Liam learns what it means to help his friends and he learns what the best trophy in life is and how friendship is a true gift of God.

My grandsons love this book and your kids will too. To check out The Best Trophy, click HERE.

To enter to win a copy of The Best Trophy, leave your name and email address in the comments. A winner will be chosen at random on October 21st and emailed from

1 comment:

  1. This looks like such a good book. Regina.


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