Monday, March 17, 2025


Grandchildren are the crown of the elderly,
and the pride of children is their fathers.
Proverbs 17:6 CSB

While I do not consider myself elderly, I love this verse in Proverbs. My husband and I have been blessed with five grandchildren and they are definitely our crown. Our newest grandbaby arrived over the weekend and we certainly feel blessed by God.

What is something you are thanking God for today?

Weekly Blessings #eucharisteo #thanksgiving #thankfulness #joydare #blessings #gratitude #1000gifts

Continuing to count God's sweet blessings...

3845. Our newest grandbaby's arrival!

3846. Watching my youngest become a daddy.

3847. The prayers of many when baby wasn't breathing on his own.

3848. Baby being healthy and strong and out of nicu.

3849. My five grandchildren, they bring us so much joy.

It's your turn! Share something you are praising God for. I would love to rejoice with you.

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